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(注: ASCII Table Extension 有。)

Header   Value
KeyWord  Format Type    Unit          Comment 
H_INPOWR f6.2   double  Volt          Input power for the flat lamp 
H_IMSLCR a8     string                Image slicer (ON, OFF) 
H_ISTYPE a10    string                Type of the image slicer 
H_S-MSK1 f6.3   double  mm            Upper mask position from the center 
H_S-MSK2 f6.3   double  mm            Lower mask position from the center 
H_S-INCL f7.2   double                Slit inclination angle at the horizontal plane 
H_D-UNIT i1     integer               ID number of the detector unit 
H_D-OTHR a10    string                Use of the other CCD in this mosaic 
H_SHUTTR a10    string                Entrance shutter (OPEN, CLOSE) 
H_HARTMN a10    string                Hartmann shutter (U-OPEN,L-OPEN,ALL-OPEN,ALL-CLOSE)
H_COLLIM a10    string                Collimator (BLUE, RED) 
H_CLPSTN f6.2   double  mm            Collimator position (mm) 
H_CLFOCL f10.5  double  mm            Collimator focal length (mm) 
H_CLOFFA f10.5  double  degree        Collimator offset angle (degree) 
H_ECHELL a10    string                Echelle (BLUE, RED, NIR) 
H_ECONST f7.3   double  grooves/mm    Ruling pitch (grooves/mm) 
H_EBLAZE f7.3   double  degree        Blaze Angle (degree) 
H_EEPSRN f7.3   double  degree        Offset Angle of the Incident Beam (degree) 
H_EGAMMA f7.3   double  degree        Echelle Gamma Angle (constant) 
H_EROTAN f10.5  double  degree        Echelle Rotation Angle (degree) 
H_CROSSD a10    srting                Cross Disperser (BLUE, RED, MIRROR, NIR) 
H_CCONST f7.3   double  grooves/mm    Ruling pitch (grooves/mm) 
H_CBLAZE f7.3   double  degree        Blaze Angle (degree) 
H_CEPSRN f7.3   double  degree        Offset Angle at Blaze Wavelength (degree) 
H_CGAMMA f7.3   double  degree        Cross Disperser Gamma Angle (constant) 
H_CTABAN f10.5  double  degree        Rotation angle of the turn table (degree) 
H_CROTAN f10.5  double  degree        Cross Disperser Rotation Angle (degree) 
H_CMRFL  f10.5  double  mm            Camera focal length (mm) 
H_FOCUS  f10.5  double  mm            Focusing unit position (mm) 
H_PITCH  f9.5   double  degree        Focusing unit pitching angle (degree) 
H_YAWING f9.5   double  degree        Focusing unit yawing angle (degree) 
H_F-DRV1 f9.5   double  mm            Focusing driver1 position (mm) 
H_F-DRV2 f9.5   double  mm            Focusing driver2 position (mm) 
H_F-DRV3 f9.5   double  mm            Focusing driver3 position (mm) 
H_DETROT f9.5   double  degree        Rotation angle of the detector unit (degree) 
H_ET1AVE f6.2   double  K             Average (Kelvin) 
H_ET1MIN f6.2   double  K             Minimum (Kelvin) 
H_ET1MAX f6.2   double  K             Maximum (Kelvin) 
H_ET1DEV f6.2   double  K             Standard deviation (Kelvin) 
H_AO-TYP a20    string                Type of correction (Tip-Tilt ) 
H_AO-ORD i3     integer               Maximum order included 
H_AO-OBJ a20    string                star used for wavefront correction 
H_AO-RA  a20    string                RA of star used for wavefront correction
H_AO-DEC a20    string                Dec of star used for wavefront correction
H_ZAXIS1 a20    string                Axis1 of zeroth order light monitor of Echelle 
                                      (Along slit/Cross slit/None)
H_ZAXIS2 a20    string                Axis2 of zeroth order light monitor of Echelle 
                                      (Along slit/Cross slit/None)
H_ZA1POS f7.2   double  pixel         peak position in axis1 
H_ZA2POS f7.2   double  pixel         peak position in axis2 
H_ZWID1  f7.2   double  pixel         Width in axis1 of the stellar image (pixel) 
H_ZWID2  f7.2   double  pixel         Width in axis2 of the stellar image (pixel) 
H_ZDELT  f6.4   double  mm            Pixel size (mm) 
H_ZSCALE f8.5   double  mm/pixel      Physical length on the slit plane projected into one pixel
H_ZTMP   f5.1   double  K             Detector temperature (Kelvin) 
H_SUPER  a10    string                Super Resolution Mode (POS1, POS2, NONE) 
H_AG-OBJ a20    string                Guide object name 
H_AG-ORA a20    string                RA of the guide object 
H_AG-ODE a20    string                Dec of the guide object 
H_AG-RA  a20    string                RA of the tracked pos. on the slit guide pos. 
H_AG-DEC a20    string                Dec of the tracked pos. on the slit guide pos. 
H_AG-EQN f6.1   double                Equinox of H_AG-RA and H_AG_DEC 
H_I2CELL a8     string                I2 Cell Mode(USE/NOUSE)         
H_LM     a8     string                (USE/NOUSE)
H_I2TEMP f5.1   double                
H_LMINTG f5.1   double                                                                                             
H_I2POS  a8     string                
H_LMPOS  a8     string                                                     
H_ETMP1  f5.1   double  K             Nasmyth Temperature 1 (Kelvin)                 
H_ETMP2  f5.1   double  K             Nasmyth Temperature 2 (Kelvin)                 
H_GAIN1  f6.3   double                Readout gain of left (smaller X) side of CCD   
H_GAIN2  f6.3   double                Readout gain of right (larger X) side of CCD   
H_OSMIN1 i4     integer               Start of overscan region for AXIS1             
H_OSMAX1 i4     integer               End of overscan region for AXIS1               
H_OSMIN2 i4     integer               Start of overscan region for AXIS2             
H_OSMAX2 i4     integer               End of overscan region for AXIS2
