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(注: ASCII Table Extension あり。)

Header   Value
Key Word Format  Type   Unit   Comment
F_TMP-A	 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of MOS unit(K)
F_TMP-B	 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of lens unit (K)
F_TMP-C1 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of collimator beam unit-1 (K)
F_TMP-C2 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of collimator beam unit-2 (K)
F_TMP-C3 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of collimator beam unit-3 (K)
F_TMP-D	 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of Camera lens unit (K)
F_TMP-E1 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of VME-1 (K)
F_TMP-E2 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of VME-2 (K)
F_TMP-F1 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit A-1 (K)
F_TMP-F2 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit A-2 (K)
F_TMP-G1 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit B-1 (K)
F_TMP-G2 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit B-2 (K)
F_TMP-H1 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit C-1 (K)
F_TMP-H2 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit C-2 (K)
F_TMP-I1 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit D-1 (K)
F_TMP-I2 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit D-2 (K)
F_TMP-J1 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit E-1 (K)
F_TMP-J2 F6.2    double  K        Temperature of driver-unit E-2 (K)
F_DEWERX SP,F8.2 double  um       X-position of dewer stage (micron meter)
F_DEWERY SP,F8.2 double  um       Y-position of dewer stage (micron meter)
F_DEWERZ SP,F8.2 double  um       Z-position of dewer stage (micron meter)
F_HOLANG F3.1    double  degree   angle of mask holder (degree)
F_MSK-ID A9      string           ID of mask (for all mode) 
F_CAD-ID A9      string           ID of CAD data  for mask cutting 
F_CADREF A50     string           ID/name of image/catalog data for mask design 
F_DISPER F5.3    double  nm/pixel dispersion of grism (nm / pixel) 
F_SLT-NO I3      integer          total # of slit on mask 
F_POSANG F6.2    double  degree   PA of cross-dispersion axis (degree) 
F_FCSMOD %s      string           Observation Mode                                     
F_WIPE   %s      string           CCD Wipe Rate                                  
F_READ   %s      string           CCD Readout Rate                               
