すばる FITS ヘッダルール (Ver.1.7.0(May 17, 2016))

すばるの観測装置で取得されたデータは、全て観測装置から FITS フォーマットで出力される。これらの FITS データはハワイ島ヒロの山麓施設 (ハワイ観測所) でアーカイヴされ、将来公開される予定である。アーカイヴの検索項目は、基本的に全て FITS ヘッダに含まれていなければならない。また、いくつもの観測装置のデータを一括して検索できるようにするためにも、FITS キーワードは可能な限り観測装置間で共通化すべきである。データ解析に関しては、解析に必要なパラメータは FITS ヘッダから抽出される場合が多い。解析処理ソフトウェアの共通化による開発作業の省力化を図るためにも FITS キーワードの共通化が望まれる。

そこで、すばるでは以下の FITS ヘッダルールを定める。

注: 各 COMMON キーワードがすばる FITS データで重要である事由の一覧表

Keyword Name Reason
AIRMASS Roughly estimated one is convenient in archival search
BIN-FCT1 The basic keyword for image features
BIN-FCT2 The basic keyword for image features
BITPIX The basic keyword for image features
BLANK The basic keyword for image features
BSCALE The basic keyword for image features
BUNIT The basic keyword for image features
BZERO The basic keyword for image features
CDELT1 The basic keyword for image features
CDELT2 The basic keyword for image features
CRPIX1 The basic keyword for image features
CRPIX2 The basic keyword for image features
CRVAR1 The basic keyword for image features
CRVAR2 The basic keyword for image features
CTYPE1 The basic keyword for image features
CTYPE2 The basic keyword for image features
CUNIT1 The basic keyword for image features
CUNIT2 The basic keyword for image features
DATASET(*) Only needed to OBJECT type data. Needed by DASH.
DATA-TYP Used as an key for archival search and essential for data analysis.(DASH etc)
DATE-OBS The basic keyword for image features
DEC The basic keyword for image features (origin of RA2000 & DEC2000)
DEC2000 DEC may not be written in J2000.0. The key for archival search by coordinate.
DETECTOR The basic keyword for image features
DET-TMP The basic keyword for image features
DISPAXIS(S) Convenient in spectrum plotting of raw data.
DISPERSR(S) The basic keyword for image features
END Essential for FITS data
EQUINOX Essential for knowing RA and DEC epoch, and calculating RA2000 & DEC2000
EXP-ID For the grouping of data by simultaneous exposure.
EXPTIME The basic keyword for image features
EXTEND Essential for FITS data with ASCII Table Extension.
FOC-POS The basic keyword for observation description
FOC-VAL Needed by QDAS in focusing task.
FRAMEID This is the unique key for archival system.
GAIN The basic keyword for image features
HST The basic keyword for observation description
INSTRUME This is used in online data registration at Hilo.
LONGPOLE(I) The basic keyword for image features
LST The basic keyword for observation description
MJD This is used in data search as a unique key for time.
NAXIS Essential for FITS data
NAXIS1 Essential for FITS data with 2-d image
NAXIS2 Essential for FITS data with 2-d image
NAXIS3 Essential for FITS data with 3-d image as those from MIRTOS
OBJECT The basic keyword for observation description
OBS-ALOC Can identify the control mode and where the instrument was.
OBSERVAT The basic keyword for observation description
OBSERVER The basic keyword for observation description
OBS-MOD The key for selecting data in data search in archival system
PCnnnmmm(I) Essential for setting control command to telescope (moving object onto the slit etc)
POLARIZn(P) The basic keyword for observation description
PROP-ID Essential for setting view parameter in archival system
RA The basic keyword for observation description (origin of RA2000 & DEC2000)
RA2000 RA may not be written in J2000.0. Key for archival search by coordinate.
RADECSYS RA and DEC may not be written in FK5.
RET-ANGn(P) Essential in data analysis of polarimetric data.
RETPLATn The basic keyword for observation description
SIMPLE Essential for FITS data
SLIT(S) The basic keyword for observation description
SLTCPIX1(S) Convenient in making plot of raw data spectrum
SLTCPIX2(S) Convenient in making plot of raw data spectrum
SLT-LEN(S) The basic keyword for observation description
SLT-PA(S) The basic keyword for observation description
SLT-WID(S) The basic keyword for observation description
TELESCOP Essential for knowing the origin of data
TELFOCUS Can be one of the key for identifying the causality of empty image.
TIMESYS Essential for knowing time system used in the data
UT The basic keyword for observation description
WAVELEN(S) Convenient in making plot of raw data spectrum.
WAV-MAX(S) Convenient in making plot of raw data spectrum.
WAV-MIN(S) Convenient in making plot of raw data spectrum.
WCS-ORIG(I) Used for identifying WCS is written by toolkit or not.

Osamu Kanamitsu