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: FOCAS固有ヘッダ辞書 : 装置固有ヘッダ辞書 : CIAO固有ヘッダ辞書   目次


[COMICS Dictionary 1/3]

Header   Value
Key Word Format Type     Unit    Comment
Q_DTYPE  %10s   string             type of this file spec/img/slitview 
Q_OBSID  %8d    integer            Observation ID of COMICS 
Q_WINDOW %10s   string             Entrance Window 
Q_M1MOTA %8d    integer            Pulse count of 1st mir. para to bench 
Q_M1MOTB %8d    integer            Pulse count of 1st mir. vert to bench 
Q_SLTVEW %8s    string             Slit Viewer on/off 
Q_SPFILE %20s   string             File name of spectroscopy 
Q_SVWMIN %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelength of S Viewer min 
Q_SVWMAX %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelength of S Viewer max 
Q_DETTP1 %10.5f double    K        Temperature of the detector spec-1 
Q_DETTP2 %10.5f double    K        Temperature of the detector spec-2 
Q_DETTP3 %10.5f double    K        Temperature of the detector spec-3 
Q_DETTP4 %10.5f double    K        Temperature of the detector spec-4 
Q_DETTP5 %10.5f double    K        Temperature of the detector spec-5 
Q_DETTPI %10.5f double    K        Temperature of the detector img 
Q_DETTS1 %s     string             COMICS DETECTOR TEMP SPEC POS-1                
Q_DETTS2 %s     string             COMICS DETECTOR TEMP SPEC POS-2                
Q_DETTS3 %s     string             COMICS DETECTOR TEMP SPEC POS-3                
Q_DETTS4 %s     string             COMICS DETECTOR TEMP SPEC POS-4                
Q_DETTS5 %s     string             COMICS DETECTOR TEMP SPEC POS-5                
Q_CFTPS  %s     string             COMICS COLD FINGER TEMP SPEC                   
Q_CFTP1  %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the cooled finger spec 
Q_CFTP2  %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the cooled finger img 
Q_CFTPI  %s     string    K        COMICS COLD FINGER TEMP IMAGING                
Q_OPTTP  %s     string             COMICS OPTICS TEMP                             
Q_OPTTP1 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the optics spec-A 
Q_OPTTP2 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the optics spec-B 

[COMICS Dictionary 2/3]

Header   Value
Key Word Format Type     Unit    Comment
Q_OPTTP3 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the optics spec-C 
Q_OPTTP4 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the optics img-A 
Q_OPTTP5 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the optics img-B 
Q_OPTTP6 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the optics img-C 
Q_COHTP1 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the cooler head spec 
Q_COHTP2 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the cooler head img 
Q_SHDTP1 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the shield A 
Q_SHDTP2 %6.2f  double    K        Temp. of the shield B
Q_ABTTP1 %6.2f  double    K        Temperature of Ambient thermometer 
Q_ABTTP2 %6.2f  double    K        Temperature of Ambient thermometer 
Q_ABTTP3 %6.2f  double    K        Temperature of Ambient thermometer 
Q_IMCHIP %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP ID                         
Q_IMVSC  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP VSSCLK VOLTAGE             
Q_IMVSS  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP VSS VOLTAGE                
Q_IMBS0  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS0 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS1  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS1 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS2  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS2 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS3  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS3 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS4  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS4 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS5  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS5 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS6  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS6 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS7  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS7 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS8  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS8 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMBS9  %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP BIAS9 VOLTAGE              
Q_IMCS00 %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP CS00 CURRENT               
Q_IMCS02 %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP CS02 CURRENT               
Q_IMCS03 %s     string             COMICS IMAGING CHIP CS03 CURRENT               
Q_DETST  %s     string             Detector Readout Status          
Q_S1CHIP %s     string             COMICS SPEC-POSITION-1 CHIP ID                 
Q_S2CHIP %s     string             COMICS SPEC-POSITION-2 CHIP ID                 
Q_S3CHIP %s     string             COMICS SPEC-POSITION-3 CHIP ID                 
Q_S4CHIP %s     string             COMICS SPEC-POSITION-4 CHIP ID                 
Q_S5CHIP %s     string             COMICS SPEC-POSITION-5 CHIP ID                 
Q_SPVSC  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP VSSCLK VOLTAGE        
Q_SPVSS  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP VSS VOLTAGE           
Q_SPBS0  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS0 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS1  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS1 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS2  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS2 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS3  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS3 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS4  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS4 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS5  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS5 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS6  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS6 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS7  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS7 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS8  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS8 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPBS9  %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP BIAS9 VOLTAGE         
Q_SPCS00 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS00 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS02 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS02 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS03 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS03 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS10 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS10 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS12 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS12 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS13 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS13 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS20 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS20 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS22 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS22 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS23 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS23 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS30 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS30 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS32 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS32 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS33 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS33 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS40 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS40 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS42 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS42 CURRENT          
Q_SPCS43 %s     string             COMICS SPECTROSCOPY CHIP CS43 CURRENT          
Q_RRSTRT %d     integer            Reset Row Start Width (ND)                     
Q_CHWB   %d     integer            Wipe Exporsure Number in a Chop-beam           
Q_CHEB   %d     integer            Exporsure Number in a Chop-beam                
Q_CHCN   %d     integer            Chopping Number in this file                   
Q_CHAM   %d     integer            Add Mode 0:RAW 1:ADD 2:ECO                     
Q_CTYPE  %1d    integer            Clock Type 0-9                                 
Q_YSTRT  %d     integer            Readout Region Y start                         
Q_1EXP   %.3f   double    sec      Integration time per exp. (sec) = EXPTIME      
Q_1FRAME %.3f   double    sec      Integration time per frame(co-added) (sec)     
Q_CHTHRW %.2f   double             Chopping Throw                                 
Q_CHDEG  %.2f   double             Chopping Degree                                
Q_GETVER %s     string             FITS header VERSION                            
Q_CLKVER %30s   string             Clock version 
Q_CLKFL  %30s   string             Clock macro file name 
Q_CLKMCC %30s   string             Comment on clock pattern macro 
Q_CLKNM  %30s   string             Clock pattern name 
Q_CLKCLC %30s   string             Comment on each clock pattern

[COMICS Dictionary 3/3]

Header   Value
Key Word Format Type     Unit    Comment
Q_PIXTIM %6.2f  double    microsec Clock duration for a pixel 
Q_FRRATE %8.4f  double    Hz       Detector Framerate 
Q_READTM %12.8f double    sec      Time for reading out 1 exp 
Q_NDRATE %3d    integer   1/243    N.D. rate of the detector 
Q_NDEFF  %10.8f double             efficiency of the integ by using N.D. 
Q_CHOP   %8s    string             Chopping on/off 
Q_CPWTP  %8s    string             Tip-tilt with chopping on/off 
Q_CPBMST %16s   string             Chopping beam at the 1st exp. 
Q_CPFREQ %8.4f  double    Hz       Chopping Frequency 
Q_CPTIME %10.6f double    sec      Chopping period per 1 beam 
Q_CPEXP  %d     integer            Number of exp of 1 chopping beam 
Q_CPEXAD %d     integer            Number of coadded exp. 
Q_CPFRAM %d     integer            Number of frame of 1 chopping beam 
Q_CPNUM  %d     integer            Number of chopping in this file 
Q_INT1BM %.6f   double    sec      Integration time per 1 position 
Q_CPTHRW %10.4f double    arcsec   Chopping throw 
Q_CPPA   %8.4f  double    deg      Chopping P.A. 
Q_NDTIME %.2f   double    sec      Nodding period 
Q_NDOFRA %10.4f double    arcsec   Nodding offset R.A. 
Q_NDOFDE %8.4f  double    arcsec   Nodding offset Dec 
Q_NDBEM  %12s   string             Nodding Beam main/offset 
Q_NDCOM  %30s   string             Comment about Nodding 
Q_GRTMOT %d     integer            Pulse count of grating motor 
Q_GRTPOS %d     integer            Grating Position in pulse                      
Q_GRTANG %10.6f double    deg      Grating Tilt Angle 
Q_WVMIN1 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-1 min 
Q_WVMAX1 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-1 max 
Q_WVMIN2 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-2 min 
Q_WVMAX2 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-2 max 
Q_WVMIN3 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-3 min 
Q_WVMAX3 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-3 max 
Q_WVMIN4 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-4 min 
Q_WVMAX4 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-4 max 
Q_WVMIN5 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-5 min 
Q_WVMAX5 %10.4f double    nm       Observed Wavelen on Spec Det-5 max 
