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: MIRTOS (1998/09/03) : FITS ヘッダサンプル : CISCO/OHS (2003/12/31)   目次

Suprime-Cam (2003/12/31)

         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9
SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 2080 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                 4100 / length of data axis 2                          
EXTEND  =                    F / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
BZERO   =              32768.0 / offset data range to that of unsigned short    
BSCALE  =                  1.0 / default scaling factor                         
BUNIT   = 'ADU     '           / Unit of original pixel value                   
BLANK   =               -32768 / Value used for NULL pixels                     
DATE-OBS= '2011-11-03'         / Observation start date  (yyyy-mm-dd)           
UT      = '15:18:05.753'       / HH:MM:SS.S typical UTC at the exposure (middle 
UT-STR  = '15:18:05.753'       / HH:MM:SS.S UTC at the start exposure time      
UT-END  = '15:21:05.010'       / HH:MM:SS.S UTC at the end of the exposure      
HST     = '05:18:05.753'       / HH:MM:SS.S Typical HST at exposure             
HST-STR = '05:18:05.753'       / HH:MM:SS.S HST at the beginning of exp.        
HST-END = '05:21:05.010'       / HH:MM:SS.S HST at the end of exposure          
LST     = '05:43:50.641'       / HH:MM:SS.SSS Typical LST at exposure           
LST-STR = '05:43:50.641'       / HH:MM:SS.SSS LST at the beginning of exposure  
LST-END = '05:46:50.389'       / HH:MM:SS.SSS LST at the end of exposure        
MJD     =         52915.637562 / [d] Mod. Julian Date at typical time           
TIMESYS = 'UTC     '           / Time System used in the header                 
MJD-STR =         52915.637562 / [d] Mod.Julian Date at the start of exposure   
MJD-END =         52915.639637 / [d] Mod.Julian Date at the end of exposure     
ZD-STR  =               56.493 / [degree] Zenith Distance at exposure start tim 
ZD-END  =               57.152 / [degree] Zenith Distance at exposure end time  
SECZ-STR=                1.811 / SEC(Zenith Distance) at exposure start time    
SECZ-END=                1.844 / SEC(Zenith Distance) at exposure end time      
AIRMASS =               1.8400 / Average airmass during exposure                
AZIMUTH =              248.953 / [degree] Azimuth of tel-pointing. 0:N->90:E    
ALTITUDE=               33.509 / [degree] Altitude ang. of telescope pointing   
PROP-ID = 'o11111  '           / Proposal ID                                    
OBSERVER= 'SuprimeCam'         / Names of the Observers         
FRAMEID = 'SUPA00250799'       / Image sequential number                        
EXP-ID  = 'SUPE00250790'       / ID of exposure (shot) this data were taken     
DATASET = 'DS000   '           / ID of dataset this data were taken             
OBS-MOD = 'IMAG_N  '           / Observation Mode                               
OBS-ALOC= 'Observation'        / Allocation Mode                                
DATA-TYP= 'OBJECT  '           / Characteristics of this data                   
OBJECT  = 'Nandesuka         ' / Identification of object observed  
RA      = '02:17:57.646'       / Right ascension of telescope pointing          
DEC     = '-05:26:18.56'       / Declination of telescope pointing              
RA2000  = '02:17:57.646'       / Right ascension of telescope pointing (J2000)  
DEC2000 = '-05:26:18.56'       / Declination of telescope pointing (J2000)      
OBSERVAT= 'NAOJ    '           / Observatory                                    
TELESCOP= 'Subaru  '           / Telescope name                                 
FOC-POS = 'Prime   '           / Position of the instrument focus unit          
TELFOCUS= 'Prime   '           / The Focus where beam reaches                   
FOC-VAL =                7.800 / [mm] Encoder value of the focus unit           
FILTER01= 'W-S-I+  '           / Filter name/ID                                 
EXPTIME =                180.0 / [sec] Total integration time                   
INSTRUME= 'SuprimeCam'         / Name of instrument                             
DETECTOR= 'w7c3    '           / Name of the detector/CCD                       
DET-ID  =                    9 / ID of the detector used for this data          
DET-A01 =                1.571 / [degree] Relative angle of the nn-th detector  
DET-P101=               47.220 / [mm] Relative X-position of the nn-th detector 
DET-P201=                0.705 / [mm] Relative Y-position of the nn-th detector 
DET-TMP =               166.39 / [Kelvin] Detector temperature                  
DET-TMED=                 0.00 / [Kelvin] Median of the detector temperature    
DET-TMIN=                 0.00 / [Kelvin] Minimum of the detector temperature   
DET-TMAX=                 0.00 / [Kelvin] Maximum of the detector temperature   
GAIN    =                2.500 / AD conversion factor (electron/ADU)            
EFP-MIN1=                   33 / Start position of effective frame in axis-1    
EFP-RNG1=                 2048 / Range of effective frame in axis-1             
EFP-MIN2=                    1 / Start position of effective frame in axis-2    
EFP-RNG2=                 4100 / Range of effective frame in axis-2             
PRD-MIN1=                    1 / Start X position of partialy read out          
PRD-RNG1=                 2080 / X range of the partialy readout                
PRD-MIN2=                    1 / Start Y position of partialy read out          
PRD-RNG2=                 4100 / Y range of the partialy readout                
BIN-FCT1=                    1 / Binning factor of axis 1                       
BIN-FCT2=                    1 / Binning factor of axis 2                       
DET-VER = 'spcam20010412'      / Version of the detector control command        
INS-VER = 'Messia5/sup020829'  / Version of the instrument (hard/soft)          
WEATHER = 'Fare                          ' / Weather condition                  
SEEING  =                 0.00 / [arcsec] FWHM of the star at telescope focus   
ADC-TYPE= 'IN      '           / ADC name if it is used. (BLUE, RED, NONE)      
ADC-STR =               28.630 / [mm] ADC pos. at the start of exposur          
ADC-END =               29.370 / [mm] ADC pos. at the end of exposure           
INR-STR =              151.887 / [degree] Inst. rotator angle at start          
INR-END =              152.186 / [degree] Inst. rotator angle at end            
DOM-WND =                 0.10 / [m/s] Wind speed in the dome/enclosure         
OUT-WND =                 6.50 / [m/s] Wind speed outside dome/enclosure        
DOM-TMP =               276.85 / [Kelvin] Atm. temp. in the dome/enclosure      
OUT-TMP =               276.55 / [Kelvin] Atm. temp. outside the dome/encl.     
DOM-HUM =                 19.7 / [%] Humidity in the dome                       
OUT-HUM =                 20.5 / [%] Humidity outside the dome/encl.            
DOM-PRS =               622.30 / [hPa] Atm. pressure in the dome                
OUT-PRS =               622.30 / [hPa] Atm. press. outside the dome/encl.       
EXP1TIME=                180.0 / [s] one exposure time                          
COADD   =                    1 / number of exposure                             
M2-POS1 =                0.095 / [mm] Stewart Platform x-value                  
M2-POS2 =               -0.533 / [mm] Stewart Platform x-value                  
M2-POS3 =                7.758 / [mm] Stewart Platform x-value                  
M2-ANG1 =               -0.000 / [arcmin] Stewart Platform x-rotation angle     
M2-ANG2 =               -0.000 / [arcmin] Stewart Platform y-rotation angle     
M2-ANG3 =                0.000 / [arcmin] Stewart Platform z-rotation angle     
AUTOGUID= 'OFF     '           / Autoguid on/off                                
COMMENT  -------------------------------------------------------------          
COMMENT  --------------- PARAMETERS FOR SUPRIME_CAM ------------------          
COMMENT  -------------------------------------------------------------          
S_UFNAME= 'object111_w7c3.fits' / User assigned file name                       
S_FRMPOS= '0401    '           / Frame position (IIJJ)                          
S_BCTAVE=              999.999 / [ADU] Average count outside effective data     
S_BCTSD =              999.999 / [ADU] S.D. of the count outside the eff. data  
S_AG-OBJ= 'N/A     '           / Name of the guide-star                         
S_AG-RA = 'N/A     '           / R.A. of the guide-star                         
S_AG-DEC= 'N/A     '           / Dec. of the guide-star                         
S_AG-EQN=               2000.0 / [y] Equinox of the guide-star position         
S_AG-X  =               160.01 / [mm] Position of the guiding probe (X)         
S_AG-Y  =                -0.03 / [mm] Position of the guiding probe (Y)         
S_AG-R  =               999.99 / [mm] Position of the guiding probe (R)         
S_AG-TH =               999.99 / [degree] Position of the guiding probe (theta) 
S_ETMED =               276.79 / [Kelvin] Averaged temp. in Camera enclosure    
S_ETMAX =                 0.00 / [Kelvin] Maximum temp.  in Camera enclosure    
S_ETMIN =                 0.00 / [Kelvin] Minimum temp.  in Camera enclosure    
S_XFLIP =                    T / CCD readout is x-flipped when create image     
S_YFLIP =                    T / CCD readout is y-flipped when create image     
S_M2OFF1=                0.000 / [mm] Stewart Platform x-offset                 
S_M2OFF2=                0.000 / [mm] Stewart Platform y-offset                 
S_M2OFF3=                7.800 / [mm] Stewart Platform z-offset                 
S_DELTAZ=                0.000 / [mm] delta z for FocusTest                     
S_DELTAD=                 0.00 / [arcsec] delta Dec for FocusTest               
S_SENT  =                    F / Already send to OBC                            
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / Standard FK5 (years)                           
CRVAL1  =          34.49019167 / Physical value of the reference pixel X        
CRVAL2  =          -5.43848889 / Physical value of the reference pixel Y        
CRPIX1  =              -3148.0 / Reference pixel in X (pixel)                   
CRPIX2  =                -47.0 / Reference pixel in Y (pixel)                   
CDELT1  =          -0.00005611 / X Scale projected on detector (#/pix)          
CDELT2  =           0.00005611 / Y Scale projected on detector (#/pix)          
PC001001=           1.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
PC001002=           0.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
PC002001=          -0.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
PC002002=           1.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
LONGPOLE=            180.00000 / The North Pole of standard system (deg)        
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Pixel coordinate system                        
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Pixel coordinate system                        
CUNIT1  = 'degree  '           / Units used in both CRVAL1 and CDELT1           
CUNIT2  = 'degree  '           / Units used in both CRVAL2 and CDELT2           
WCS-ORIG= 'SUBARU Toolkit'     / Origin of the WCS value                        
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           / The equatorial coordinate system               
CD1_1   =          -0.00005611 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
CD1_2   =           0.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
CD2_1   =           0.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
CD2_2   =           0.00005611 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
