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: CISCO/OHS (2003/12/31) : FITS ヘッダサンプル : FOCAS(2003/12/31)   目次


         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9
SIMPLE  =                    T / Standard FITS format                           
BITPIX  =                   16 / Number of bits for each pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes in frame                        
NAXIS1  =                 2148 / Number of pixels per row                       
NAXIS2  =                 4100 / Number of rows                                 
EXTEND  =                    T / There is a standard extension 1 (ASCII table)  
BSCALE  =              1.00000 / Real = (fits pixel value)*BSCALE+BZERO         
BZERO   =         3.276700E+04 / Real = (fits pixel value)*BSCALE+BZERO         
BUNIT   = 'ADU     '           / Unit of original pixel value                   
BLANK   =               -32768 / Value used for NULL pixels                     
DISPAXIS=                    2 / Main dispersion axis in frame                  
CTYPE1  = 'pixel   '           / Pixel coordinate system                        
CTYPE2  = 'pixel   '           / Pixel coordinate system                        
CUNIT1  = 'pixel   '           / Units used in both CRVAl1 and CDELT1           
CUNIT2  = 'pixel   '           / Units used in both CRVAL2 and CDELT2           
CRPIX1  =                    1 / Reference pixel in axis1                       
CRVAL1  =                    1 / Physical value of the reference pixel          
CDELT1  =                    1 / Size projected into a detector pixel in axis1  
CRPIX2  =                    1 / Reference pixel in axis2                       
CRVAL2  =                    1 / Physical value of the reference pixel          
CDELT2  =                    1 / Size projected into a detector pixel in axis2  
PROJP1  =                  0.0 / Projection type of the first axis              
PROJP2  =                  0.0 / Projection type of the second axis             
PC001001=           1.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
PC001002=           0.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
PC002001=           0.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
PC002002=           1.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate translation matrix            
BIN-FCT1=                    1 / Binning factor in axis1                        
BIN-FCT2=                    1 / Binning factor in axis2                        
N2XIS   =                    2 / Number of axes for the slit projection         
N2XIS1  =                 2148 / Number of pixels per row for slit spectroscopy 
N2XIS2  =                 4100 / Number of scan lines for slit projection       
C2YPE1  = 'DEC-TAN '           / Type of projection used for #1 axis in 2nd WCS 
C2PIX1  =                 1024 / Reference pixel in X                           
C2VAL1  =                 0.00 / Physical value of ref pix X for WCS            
C2ELT1  =              0.00000 / Size projected into a detector pixel X         
C2NIT1  = 'degree      '       / for C2VAL1 and C2ELT1                          
C2YPE2  = 'WAVELENGTH'         / Type of projection used for #2 axis in 2nd WCS 
C2PIX2  =                 2050 / Reference pixel in Y                           
C2VAL2  =               419.68 / Physical value of ref pix Y for WCS            
C2ELT2  =              0.00125 / Size projected into a detector pixel Y         
C2NIT2  = 'nm      '           / for C2VAL2 and C2ELT2                          
P2OJP1  =                  0.0 / Projection type of the first axis              
P2OJP2  =                  0.0 / Projection type of the second axis             
P2001001=           1.00000000 / Pixel coordinate translation matrix            
P2001002=           0.00000000 / Pixel coordinate translation matrix            
P2002001=           0.00000000 / Pixel coordinate translation matrix            
P2002002=           1.00000000 / Pixel coordinate translation matrix            
PRD-MIN1=                    1 / Start X position of partialy read out          
PRD-MIN2=                    1 / Start Y position of partialy read out          
PRD-RNG1=                 2148 / X range of the partialy read out               
PRD-RNG2=                 4100 / Y range of the partialy read out               
OBJECT  = 'FLAT    '           / Target Description                             
DATA-TYP= 'FLAT    '           / Characteristics of this data                   
RA      = '07:33:41.212'       / RA of the tracked pos. on the slit guide pos.  
DEC     = '+19:50:04.40'       / Dec of the tracked pos. on the slit guide pos. 
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           / The equatorial coordinate system               
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / Standard FK5 (years)                           
RA2000  = '07:33:41.212'       / Right accention (HH.MM.SS.SSS)                 
DEC2000 = '+19:50:04.40'       / Declination (+/-HH:MM:SS.SS)                   
PROP-ID = 'o11129  '           / Proposal ID                                    
OBSERVER= 'HDS     '           / Name(s) of observer(s)                         
OBS-MOD = 'SPEC    '           / SINGLE-ORDER, MULTIPLE-ORDER                   
DATE-OBS= '2011-01-07'         / Date of observation                            
EXPTIME =                 16.0 / Exposure time in second                        
UT      = '16:12:36.534'       / Typical Universal Time during exposure         
UT-STR  = '16:12:36.523'       / UTC at start of exposure                       
UT-END  = '16:12:36.544'       / UTC at end of exposure                         
HST     = '06:12:36.534'       / Typical Hawaii Standard Time during exposure   
HST-STR = '06:12:36.523'       / HST at start of exposure                       
HST-END = '06:12:36.544'       / HST at end of exposure                         
LST     = '07:33:42.601'       / Typical Local SideReal Time during exposure    
LST-STR = '07:33:42.590'       / LST at start of exposure                       
LST-END = '07:33:42.611'       / LSR at end of exposure                         
TIMESYS = 'UTC     '           / Time System                                    
MJD     =       52929.67541865 / Modified Julian Day                            
MJD-STR =       52929.67541852 / MJD at start of exposure                       
MJD-END =       52929.67541877 / MJD at end of exposure                         
SECZ    =                1.000 / typical sec(Zemith Distance) during exposure   
SECZ-STR=                1.000 / secZ at start of exposure                      
SECZ-END=                1.000 / secZ at end of exposure                        
AIRMASS =               1.0000 / Typical air mass during exposure               
AIRM-STR=               1.0000 / Air mass at start of exposure                  
AIRM-END=               1.0000 / Air mass at end of exposure                    
ALTITUDE=             89.94695 / Altitude of the telescope pointing (degree)    
ALT-STR =             89.94695 / Altitude at start of exposure                  
ALT-END =             89.94695 / Altitude at end of exposure                    
AZIMUTH =             89.98937 / Azimuth of the telescope pointing (degree)     
AZ-STR  =             89.98937 / Azimuth at start of exposure                   
AZ-END  =             89.98937 / Azimuth at end of exposure                     
OBSERVAT= 'NAOJ    '           / Observatory                                    
TELESCOP= 'SUBARU  '           / Telescope                                      
OBS-ALOC= 'Observation'        / Allocation mode (OBSERVATION/STAND-BY)         
TELFOCUS= 'NASMYTH-OPT'        / Focus where beam is reachable                  
FOC-POS = 'NASMYTH-OPT'        / Focus where instrument attached                
FOC-VAL =               -0.064 / Focus position of the telescope                
FOC-LEN =             104207.0 / Focal length of the telescope (mm)             
F-RATIO =                12.71 / F-ratio of incident beam                       
INSTRUME= 'HDS     '           / Name of instrument                             
FRAMEID = 'HDSA00012639'       / Frame ID number issued by OBS                  
EXP-ID  = 'UNKNOWN '           / Exposure ID number locally defined             
DATASET = 'NOP     '           / ID of observation dataset                      
DISPERSR= 'echelle '           / Identifier of the disperser used               
WAVELEN =               419.68 / Center wavelength of the center order (nm)     
WAV-MAX =               461.22 / Maximum wavelength recorded (nm)               
WAV-MIN =               382.14 / Minimum wavelength recorded (nm)               
SLTCPIX1=              1065.00 / Pixel of slit center (Axis1)                   
SLTCPIX2=                 2050 / Pixel of slit center (Axis2)                   
FILTER01= 'U340    '           / Filter wheel No.1                              
FILTER02= 'FREE    '           / Filter wheel No.2                              
SLIT    = 'SHORT   '           / Identifier of the entrance slit used (SHORT/LON
SLT-WID =                0.200 / Slit width (mm)                                
SLT-LEN =                2.000 / Slit length (mm)                               
SLT-PA  =               147.18 / Slit position angle (degree)                   
SLT-PSTR=               147.18 / Slit position angle at start (degree)          
SLT-PEND=               147.18 / Slit position angle at end (degree)            
SLT-OBJP=                 0.00 / Object position on the slit (arcsec)           
DET-ID  =                    1 / ID number of the CCD in the detector unit      
DETECTOR= 'EEV     '           / Detector used to take this frame               
DETPXSZ1=               0.0135 / pixel size in axis1 (mm)                       
DETPXSZ2=               0.0135 / pixel size in axis2 (mm)                       
DET-A01 =                0.000 / Rotation angle of the 1st detector (degree)    
DET-A02 =                0.000 / Rotation angle of the 2nd detector (degree)    
GAIN    =                 1.70 / Readout gain                                   
DET-TMP =                157.0 / Nominal detector temperature (Kelvin)          
DET-TAVE=                  0.0 / Average detector temperature (Kelvin)          
DET-TMAX=                  0.0 / Maximum detector temperature (Kelvin)          
DET-TMIN=                  0.0 / Minimum detector temperature (Kelvin)          
DET-TSD =                 0.00 / Detector temperature fluctuation (Kelvin)      
WEATHER = 'Fare    '           / Weather condition                              
SEEING  =                1.330 / FWHM of the star observed with Slit Viewer (arc
NAS-TAVE=                 0.00 / Average Nasmyth encl. temp. (Kelvin)           
DOM-WND =                  0.0 / Wind speed inside dome (m/s)                   
DOM-TMP =               278.35 / Atmospheric temperature inside dome (Kelvin)   
DOM-HUM =                  5.1 / Humidity inside dome (persent)                 
DOM-PRS =                621.9 / Nominal atmospheric pressure in dome (hPa)     
OUT-WND =                  2.7 / Wind speed outside dome (m/s)                  
OUT-TMP =               278.35 / Atmospheric temperature outside dome (Kelvin)  
OUT-HUM =                  3.4 / Humidity outside dome (persent)                
OUT-PRS =                621.9 / Atmospheric pressure outside dome (hPa)        
IMR-TYPE= 'BLUE    '           / Image Rotator (BLUE, RED, NONE)                
IMGROT  =                 0.00 / IMR position during exposure (degree)          
IMR-STR =                 0.00 / IMR position angle at start (degree)           
IMR-END =                 0.00 / IMR position angle at end (degree)             
ADC-TYPE= 'NONE    '           / Atm. Disp. Compensator (BLUE,RED,NONE)         
ADC     =                -0.01 / ADC position during exposure (degree)          
ADC-STR =                -0.01 / ADC position angle at start (degree)           
ADC-END =                -0.01 / ADC position angle at end (degree)             
DAQ-VER = '1.0.0   '           / Data Aquisition System                         
INS-VER = 'HDS-1.00'           / hardware/software version                      
COMMENT revised on 1 Nov. 1999 by W. Aoki                                       
COMMENT Sample header for HDS revised on 7 July 1998 by W. Aoki                 
COMMENT Sample header for HDS revised on 6 May 1998 by W. Aoki                  
COMMENT Sample header for HDS written on 27 November 1997                       
COMMENT by H.Izumiura, S. Kawanomoto, W. Aoki.                                  
COMMENT  Keywords specific to HDS                                               
COMMENT /SLIT                                                                   
H_S-INCL=                 0.00 / Slit inclination angle wrt the horizontal plane
COMMENT /Detector                                                               
H_D-UNIT= '1       '           / ID number of the detector unit                 
H_D-OTHR= 'YES     '           / Use of the other CCD in this mosaic            
COMMENT /SHUTTERS                                                               
H_SHUTTR= 'OPEN    '           / Entrance shutter (OPEN, CLOSE)                 
H_HARTMN= 'ALL-OPEN'           / Hartmann shutter (U-OPEN,L-OPEN,ALL-OPEN,ALL-CL
COMMENT /COLLIMATOR MIRROR                                                      
H_COLLIM= 'BLUE    '           / Collimator (BLUE, RED)                         
H_CLPSTN=                -5.18 / Collimator position (mm)                       
H_CLFOCL=              3396.51 / Collimator focal length (mm)                   
COMMENT /ECHELLE GRATING                                                        
H_ECONST=                31.60 / Ruling pitch (grooves/mm)                      
H_EBLAZE=                70.30 / Blaze Angle (degree)                           
H_EEPSRN=                 6.00 / Offset Angle of the Incident Beam (degree)     
H_EGAMMA=                 0.00 / (degree)                                       
H_EROTAN=              0.40031 / Echelle Rotation Angle (degree)                
COMMENT /CROSS DISPERSER GRATING                                                
H_CROSSD= 'BLUE    '           / Cross Disperser (BLUE, RED, MIRROR, NIR)       
H_CCONST=              400.000 / Ruling pitch (grooves/mm)                      
H_CBLAZE=                4.760 / Blaze Angle (degree)                           
H_CEPSRN=                 0.00 / Offset Angle at Blaze Wavelengths (degree)     
H_CGAMMA=                45.00 / (degree)                                       
H_CROTAN=              4.74961 / Cross Disperser Rotation Angle (degree)        
COMMENT /CAMERA                                                                 
H_CMRFL =               770.85 / Camera focal length (mm)                       
COMMENT /Detector Focusinig Unit                                                
H_FOCUS =              0.71001 / Focusing unit position (mm)                    
H_PITCH =             -0.00000 / Focusing unit pitching angle (degree)          
H_YAWING=             -0.05000 / Focusing unit yawing angle (degree)            
H_DETROT=             -0.99986 / Rotation angle of the detector unit (degree)   
COMMENT /I2Cell and Light Monitor                                               
H_I2CELL= 'NOUSE   '           / I2 Cell Mode (USE/NOUSE)                       
H_LM    = 'NOUSE   '                                                            
H_I2TEMP=                  0.0                                                  
H_LMINTG=                  0.0                                                  
H_I2POS = 'UNKNOWN '                                                            
H_LMPOS = 'UNKNOWN '                                                            
H_ETMP1 =                  5.1 / Nasmyth Temperature 1 (Kelvin)                 
H_ETMP2 =                  5.1 / Nasmyth Temperature 2 (Kelvin)                 
H_SUPER = 'NONE    '           / Super Resolution Mode (POS1, POS2, NONE)       
COMMENT /Auto Guider (offset guider)                                            
H_AG-OBJ= '        '                                                            
H_AG-ORA= '        '           / RA of the guide object                         
H_AG-ODE= '        '           / Dec of the guide object                        
H_AG-RA = '        '           / RA of the tracked pos. on the slit guide pos.  
H_AG-DEC= '        '           / Dec of the tracked pos. on the slit guide pos. 
H_GAIN1 =                1.628 / Readout gain of left (smaller X) side of CCD   
H_GAIN2 =                1.615 / Readout gain of right (larger X) side of CCD   
H_OSMIN1=                 1025 / Start of overscan region for AXIS1             
H_OSMAX1=                 1124 / End of overscan region for AXIS1               
H_OSMIN2=                    1 / Start of overscan region for AXIS2             
H_OSMAX2=                 4100 / End of overscan region for AXIS2               
HISTORY   File modified by user 'hdsuser' with fv  on 2001-10-12T04:43:56       
XTENSION= 'TABLE   '           / Table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bits per "pixel"
NAXIS   =                    2 / simple 2-D matrix
NAXIS1  =                   72 / No. of characters per row
NAXIS2  =                   45 / The number of rows (= )
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No "random" parameters
GCOUNT  =                    1 / Only one group
TFIELDS =                   12 / There are 12 fields per row
TTYPE1  = 'ORDER   '           / Order number
TBCOL1  =                    1 / starting column
TFORM1  = 'I3      '           / Data format
TTYPE2  = 'X-MIN   '           / X-position of the blue-end of the order (pixel)
TBCOL2  =                    5 /
TFORM2  = 'I4      '           /
TUNIT2  = 'PIXEL   '           /
TTYPE3  = 'Y-MIN   '           / Y-position of the blue-end of the order (pixel)
TBCOL3  =                   10 /
TFORM3  = 'I4      '           /
TUNIT3  = 'PIXEL   '           /
TTYPE4  = 'WL-MIN  '           / Blue-end wavelength of the order (nm)
TBCOL4  =                   15 /
TFORM4  = 'F8.3    '           /
TUNIT4  = 'nanometer'          /
TTYPE5  = 'X-CEN   '           / X-position of the center of the order (pixel)
TBCOL5  =                   24 /
TFORM5  = 'I4      '           /
TUNIT5  = 'PIXEL   '           /
TTYPE6  = 'Y-CEN   '           / Y-position of the center of the order (pixel)
TBCOL6  =                   29 /
TFORM6  = 'I4      '           /
TUNIT6  = 'PIXEL   '           /
TTYPE7  = 'WL-CEN  '           / Center wavelength of the order (nm)
TBCOL7  =                   34 /
TFORM7  = 'F8.3    '           /
TUNIT7  = 'nanometer'          /
TTYPE8  = 'X-MAX   '           / X-position of the red-end of the order (pixel)
TBCOL8  =                   43 /
TFORM8  = 'I4      '           /
TUNIT8  = 'PIXEL   '           /
TTYPE9  = 'Y-MAX   '           / Y-position of the blue-end of the order (pixel)
TBCOL9  =                   48 /
TFORM9  = 'I4      '           /
TUNIT9  = 'PIXEL   '           /
TTYPE10 = 'WL-MAX  '           / Red-end wavelength of the order (nm)
TBCOL10 =                   53 /
TFORM10 = 'F8.3    '           /
TUNIT10 = 'nanometer'          /
TTYPE11 = 'SLIT INCLINATION'   / Slit inclination wrt the main dispersion direc.
TBCOL11 =                   62 /
TFORM11 = 'F5.5    '           /
TUNIT11 = 'degree  '           /
TTYPE12 = 'DISPERSION'         / Nominal dispersion at the center of the order
TBCOL12 =                   68 /
TFORM12 = 'F5.3    '           /
TUNIT12 = 'nm/pixel'           /

197    1    5  298.714 2048   52  300.812 4096   98  302.910 0.000 0.003
196    1   39  300.238 2048   86  302.347 4096  133  304.456 0.000 0.003
195    1   73  301.778 2048  120  303.897 4096  167  306.017 0.000 0.003
194    1  108  303.333 2048  155  305.464 4096  202  307.595 0.000 0.003
193    1  143  304.905 2048  190  307.047 4096  238  309.188 0.000 0.003
192    1  178  306.493 2048  226  308.646 4096  274  310.799 0.000 0.003
191    1  214  308.098 2048  262  310.262 4096  310  312.426 0.000 0.003
190    1  250  309.719 2048  298  311.895 4096  346  314.070 0.000 0.003
189    1  286  311.358 2048  335  313.545 4096  383  315.732 0.000 0.003
188    1  323  313.014 2048  372  315.213 4096  421  317.411 0.000 0.003
187    1  360  314.688 2048  409  316.898 4096  458  319.109 0.000 0.003
186    1  398  316.380 2048  447  318.602 4096  496  320.824 0.000 0.003
185    1  436  318.090 2048  485  320.324 4096  535  322.559 0.000 0.003
184    1  474  319.819 2048  524  322.065 4096  574  324.312 0.000 0.003
183    1  513  321.566 2048  563  323.825 4096  613  326.084 0.000 0.003
182    1  552  323.333 2048  603  325.604 4096  653  327.875 0.000 0.003
181    1  592  325.120 2048  643  327.403 4096  693  329.687 0.000 0.003
180    1  632  326.926 2048  683  329.222 4096  734  331.519 0.000 0.003
179    1  673  328.752 2048  724  331.061 4096  775  333.371 0.000 0.003
178    1  714  330.599 2048  765  332.921 4096  817  335.243 0.000 0.003
177    1  755  332.467 2048  807  334.802 4096  859  337.137 0.000 0.003
176    1  797  334.356 2048  849  336.705 4096  902  339.053 0.000 0.003
175    1  840  336.267 2048  892  338.629 4096  945  340.991 0.000 0.003
174    1  883  338.199 2048  935  340.575 4096  988  342.950 0.000 0.003
173    1  926  340.154 2048  979  342.543 4096 1032  344.933 0.000 0.003
172    1  970  342.132 2048 1024  344.535 4096 1077  346.938 0.000 0.003
171    1 1015  344.133 2048 1068  346.550 4096 1122  348.967 0.000 0.003
170    1 1060  346.157 2048 1114  348.588 4096 1168  351.020 0.000 0.003
169    1 1105  348.205 2048 1159  350.651 4096 1214  353.097 0.000 0.004
168    1 1151  350.278 2048 1206  352.738 4096 1261  355.198 0.000 0.004
167    1 1198  352.375 2048 1253  354.850 4096 1308  357.325 0.000 0.004
166    1 1245  354.498 2048 1300  356.988 4096 1356  359.478 0.000 0.004
165    1 1293  356.646 2048 1348  359.152 4096 1404  361.657 0.000 0.004
164    1 1341  358.821 2048 1397  361.341 4096 1453  363.862 0.000 0.004
163    1 1390  361.022 2048 1446  363.558 4096 1503  366.094 0.000 0.004
162    1 1439  363.251 2048 1496  365.802 4096 1553  368.354 0.000 0.004
161    1 1490  365.507 2048 1547  368.075 4096 1604  370.642 0.000 0.004
160    1 1540  367.792 2048 1598  370.375 4096 1655  372.958 0.000 0.004
159    1 1592  370.105 2048 1650  372.704 4096 1707  375.304 0.000 0.004
158    1 1644  372.447 2048 1702  375.063 4096 1760  377.679 0.000 0.004
157    1 1697  374.820 2048 1755  377.452 4096 1814  380.085 0.000 0.004
156    1 1750  377.222 2048 1809  379.872 4096 1868  382.521 0.000 0.004
155    1 1804  379.656 2048 1863  382.323 4096 1923  384.989 0.000 0.004
154    1 1859  382.121 2048 1919  384.805 4096 1978  387.489 0.000 0.004
153    1 1914  384.619 2048 1974  387.320 4096 2035  390.022 0.000 0.004
